Friday, September 20, 2024




                                                           by: Dominador N. Marcaida Jr.                                             

The Human condition which Pope Francis would like to spouse in his pronouncements, perhaps we can surmise, is very much rooted and inclined to the Christian understanding of it: that humans are born in the sinful state and are doomed in the afterlife unless they receive salvation through Jesus Christ. However, this Christian belief of the human condition can be tempered with Buddhism, which teaches that human existence is a perpetual cycle of suffering, death and rebirth from which humans can be liberated through the Eightfold path. (Source: Wikipedia article, The Human Condition). 

How did we try to reconcile both beliefs, and teachings, about the human condition with our own and with that of other philosophers, such as Hannah Arendt (1958), etc.? 

We tried to reconcile both teachings through the diagram that is shown above:

In this diagram, we try to show that the human and spiritual conditions of man are the sufferings, death and resurrection of a christian patterned after the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ that he accomplished for the salvation of mankind, and which a christian undergoes in the initiation of rebirth called baptism. 

The tripartite division of The Human Condition, according to Hannah Arendt, is Labour, Work and Action. Action is divided into two categories: the vita activa and the vita contemplativa. In the diagram shown here, the red and green colored parts consist of the vita contemplativa category, while the orange and blue parts consist of the vita activa category.

dnmjr/21 Sept. 2024

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