
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What is Initiating Into the Christian Mysteries all about?

What is Initiating Into the Christian Mysteries all about?

Initiating into the Christian Mysteries contains the two parts in the implementation process of Christian Formation:
Part I. The Escuela Catekumenal; and
Part II. The Escuela Beatitudinal.

The Escuela Catekumenal is the school of Christian faith, suited to those who wish to study about the Christian faith, especially those converts from other religions, the indecisive, lukewarm and far-away members who are determined to join the Church. The study of the faith is being made in the atmosphere of the Catechumenate reintroduced into the life of the Church by Vatican Council II in its document, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). The Catechumenal Program being undertaken by the Escuela Catekumenal ends with a final rite in the renewal of Baptism or of the Baptismal Promises, as the case may be, celebrated  during the Paschal Vigil, and with a 50 day post-baptismal catechesis centered on the sacrament of the Eucharist.

The Escuela Beatitudinal is the school of Christian life, instituted for those who wish to pursue further the instructions in the Christian life.  It is open to all the baptized members or the faithful of the Church. The program has two components: 1) EDUCATION: Education in the way of becoming a servant of Yahweh by studying the teachings contained in the Sermon on the Mount, especially, the Beatitudes; and 2) TRAINING: Training into the three important states or vocations of Christian Life: i.e., marriage, ministry and mission.

Why initiate?

In order to make education and training in the Christian Faith and Life a gradual experience in accordance with the natural stages in the processes of growth, Christian Formation is done in the atmosphere of initiation. This kind of formation is in consonance with the law of Evolution or Hierarchy.

How the initiation is going to be done?

The stages of Evangelization, Pre-Catechumenal, Entrance to the Cathecumenate, Election and Renewal of Baptism are the components of the Initiation in the Faith; while the three grades of Illumination, Beatification and Sanctification are the components for the Education in the Christian Life.

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